Staff Writer

4 Gifts For Jordanians Living Abroad

We Jordanians love to travel and get acquainted with other cultures, and despite social class and standing, we each have a brother, sister, cousin, or even a friend living abroad. This person becomes our escape when we feel like taking a vacation! And in order to ease their homesickness, here are some of the gifts we choose to carry over the pond, so to speak.

1. Jameed

A main ingredient in mansaf, you can’t have our most beloved dish without this star component. Couple with around two kilos of meat for a mansaf feast upon arrival.

2. Green cheese or labneh jerashia

The greatest gift to cure homesickness, nothing will make a Jordanian feel more at home than soft white cheese and labneh from Jerash!

3. Assorted sweets

While they may find nuts and seeds in their countries, you just know that the ones you find at Bizer el Sha’b are simply better!