Nobody try and convince us that they’ve never heard these classic tales (read: lies) from Jordanian cab drivers! Here are a few of the insane tales you’ll hear:
1. “I was a doctor/engineer, then life happened”
2. “I was a millionaire who then went broke. Money comes and goes, you should learn that!”
3. “I used to live in the States and came back a year ago. I didn’t like it over there at all, the motherland called me back.”
And if you ask which state they were in, they’ll immediately change the subject or start talking about CHICAAAAAGO ya basha.
4. “I wasn’t staring at that girl, I was just adjusting my mirrors!”
5. The one who is constantly complaining about how expensive everything is, and constantly talking about all the political topics they have no idea about.
6. The one who is dead silent, thinking that the passenger just miiiiight be an undercover officer.