We notice there are some phrases we use over and over again. Here are ten of those phrases!
1. “L Allah” is used to signify exaggeration like wasla ma3y l Allah
2. “Yes3ed Allah” is used to express one’s happiness
3. “Wallah w aqsim b Allah” to prove you’re really, really honest
4. “Subhan Allah” is used in awe or sarcasm.
5. “Sara7a” — because we’re an honest people (see: #3)
6. “Bghd annathar” because we sometimes contradict ourselves.
7. “Ensa” when someone is telling you something you have no comment on.
8. “Malaqt” to express frustration or overwhelm by a situation or a discussion.
9. “Bajeek aw bal7a2ak” just know that whoever said this to you probably needs another hour or two before they leave their house.
10. “Zay al khara” used for when something is, as the phrase suggests, like shit.