1. The Scowl
We’re known for our signature scowl, but we’re kind! The outside just doesn’t always reflect it.
2. Eating mansaf by hand
Are you truly Jordanian if you don’t dig into your mansaf by hand? With all due respect to people who eat it with utensils, the real way to enjoy it is to really feel that jameed.
3. Our love for hosting
We love our guests and will do ANYTHING to keep them from leaving!
4. Thursday outings
You’ll understand when you see the insane traffic every Thursday.
5. Morning gossip sessions
Our moms start their days with a much loved gossip session to review everything that happened in the neighborhood!
6. Snow Days
We wait for stormy days and snow warnings to just chill at home enjoying the sweet potato, roasted chestnuts, sahlab, and other winter delicacies. And God forbid it doesn’t end up snowing!