Shaman AlAbdallat

7 Jordanian Souvenirs You’ll Love To Gift

Looking to give a piece of our wonderful Jordan to a foreigner? Or to take a piece of home abroad with you? Here are a few popular picks!

1. Dead Sea products from Rivage or Bloom

Some of the best and most sought after skincare products in the world!

2. Trinkets from Al-Afghani bazaar:

Tons of souvenirs, accessories, handmade items, and artisanal products.

3. Gifts from any shop in Downtown Amman

There you can find traditional Jordanian clothes, sand bottles you can draw designs in, etc.

4. Jordan River Holy Water

A great gift from our land.

5. Urdon Shop:

From statues to clothes, accessories, jewelry, and even traditional foods like Jordanian zaatar, this place has it all.

6. Jobedu or Mlabbas or Fanillia:

Funky shirts and tops with modernized Jordanian sayings and themes on them, wear a piece of home!

7. Ammanopoly:

A Jordanian twist on the classic real estate game, Monopoly!