Editorial Staff

8 Ways A Jordanian Guy Tells You He Likes You Without Actually Saying it

Jordanian guys are not always straight forward, but we’ve learned to understand them. KIND OF.

1. He likes all your Instagram pictures at once

Then hits the follow button three days later, reminding you of his existence.

2. When you ask him how he is doing, and he hits you with the famous line: “Hala2 a7san”.

3. He uses “7lemet fike” as a conversation starter

Kinda weird bro.

4. He tries hard to act cooler than he is

This performance is sponsored by SAUVAGE perfume.

5. He sends you shirtless gym pictures to show off his GAINZ

6. He fills up his tank to take you out

Okay, maybe he’s not THAT bad.

7. He shares his favorite memes with you

Are you a crush or one of the guys? Up to you to figure it out.

8. He sends you articles to check out

Because he’s an InTeLLeCtuAL.