Shaman AlAbdallat

Nuwwar: Indulge In Delicious Manaqish And Freshly-Made Kaak

Nuwwar Bakery is located in Rabieh and Al-Weibdeh, and it is known to celebrate the true value of good, real bread that is made the old-fashioned way, using only their own home-grown wild yeast and following the slow fermentation method to produce a healthy, natural, and easily digestible bread.

You can count on their delicious kaak to be the perfect energy-filled snack while you shop, and make it a priority to try out their filling sujuk pizza and freshly-baked manaqeesh.

Their manaqeesh are all prepared fresh, and it’s pretty difficult to walk away from this bakery empty-handed considering they have a lovely selection of bread all day.

Lastly, their Akkawi Manaqeesh are a simple yet delicious crowd favorite.

The majority of their flavors are gluten-free, and they usually have vegan options for everything as well.