Shurouq Al Magrebi

Changes That Happen Every September In Amman

It’s quite a month!

1. The beginning of the school year

September is the month schools in Amman start! Some kids are not excited because they want to hold on to summer and some are. Which one were you?

2. People sleep earlier

With summer ending, people tend to go to bed earlier, especially if they have kids that they have to wake up early in the morning.

3. The month marks the end of big payments

No more big events like Ramadan, wedding, graduation parties or other celebratory occasions that happen in summer. And that means, you’ll start the school year with fewer payments.

4. Cafes are not full anymore

People don’t go out as much! Cafes are not as filled as they were in summer and there’s a lot less traffic

5. Expats go back to their jobs

Expat vacations have come to an end and it’s time that they leave their families again to head back to their jobs!

6. University starts

For a lot of students, September marks their first leap into university life!

7. Weather changes

Fall is right around the corner and you’ll notice it everywhere!