The definition of dawawine or a diwanji is someone who has been in an industry for a long time; could be a cab driver, a mechanic, or the like! They’re known for quirky sayings like:
1. Bil 7adeed wala bil abeed
Normally said after someone destroys their car but they make it out of an accident fine.
2. Kbeer yaa…..
A phrase of appraisal
3. W law 3a 7sabak
Said to someone who has a nice outfit/object
4. Ma bzil 3leik
I wouldn’t lie to you.
5. Ana 7atit Iblis b kees w qa3d m7lh
Self explanatory.
6. Itla3 min rassi w sakkir el bab
7. Dandara
Pretty much chaos
8. 3a Rasi kazdara
I love you…
9. Makel mnagheesh 3al sob7
Said by the person who thinks they got tricked
10. Btel3ab b 3idad 3omrak
Said to someone who is full of themselves
11. Bithawwilo b ishret bizr
The person who gets pissed real fast.
12. Mnashhaf reeeq albanat
Casanova basically.
13. Sha7adna el mel7
14. Jallis w a36y lam3a
Shut up and retreat.
15. I swear I will relieve your mom of doing your laundry…
A threat.
16. Rawwiq ya brqooq
17. Aw6a min el shafra 2al 2ard
The lowest of the low
18. A36eeny 3la 6awa7eny
When you tell someone something nice.
19. Akalt rasna
You’re being repetitive
20. 7ill 3an samay blash ajbdk khoumasy
Back off.